Unless we intentionally make time for it, many of us are probably don’t read as much as we’d like. Even if you already read a lot, you may hope to find time for even more books. So what are some ways we can read more books?
How to Fit More Reading Into Your Life
Set a Reading Goal
Decide how many books you’d like to read per month or per year. My personal goal this year is one book per month or a total of 12 books per year. For some, that may seem light. For others, that may seem like a lot. The number doesn’t matter, but setting a goal helps you stay on track.
Divide the book into manageable sections.
Fit in one chapter during the day and one at night or divide as you can. Leave your book on your kitchen counter or desk and read a few pages as you are able throughout the day. Make it your goal to read a chapter during the day and a chapter at night in the evening or before bed (or whenever you have downtime). Look at the book and divide it into sections and set a goal of when you’re going to finish it.
Stop reading books you don’t enjoy.
Don’t feel pressured to finish a book you aren’t enjoying or can’t get into. If you’re reading a book that is just not enjoyable to you let. it. go. There are so many other books out there that you can start. Let go of the guilt of not finishing a book and begin a new one. So many books, so little time!
Create a reading list either on paper or in the notes app on your phone.
Every time someone suggests a book to you add it to the list either a paper list or in your phone. I even add who recommended the book to me so that I have some context around how I heard about it.
Try audio books.
Listening to audio books while you drive or during your commute on the train or bus is an excellent way to fit in more reading. I particularly love Audible from Amazon.
Request all forms of the book from your local library to see which you receive first.
For instance, when searching for a book place a hold on the “traditional” copy, the audio copy, the large print version, and the e-reader version. Then, you have a better chance at receiving the book sooner.
Schedule reading into your day.
Actively scheduling reading into your day like you would an appointment will help you fit in more reading. Take 10-15 minute breaks throughout the day to read a few pages or a chapter. Think of this as self-care you can fit in during the day.
Download the Kindle app on your phone.
When reading an e-book having the Kindle app on your phone (or another reading app) will allow you to read a few pages any time even if you don’t have your e-reader with you. While you’re waiting for an appointment, rather than mindlessly scrolling social media (guilty over here) flip through a few pages of your book.
Reading is a favorite activity of mine to learn, grow, and enjoy an escape. Making reading a priority always feels good and when I’m not fitting in enough of it something just feels a little off in my life. Do you ever feel like that? Getting lost in a good book is life-giving.
What ways do you fit reading into your day?